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About the Program

Welcome to the CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program (the “Program”), British Columbia’s Point-of-Purchase Rebate Program designed to make zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) more affordable for British Columbians. Through the combined leadership of the New Car Dealers Association of BC (NCDA), the Province of British Columbia, and BC Hydro, ZEVs in BC are more accessible than ever.

President’s Message

The New Car Dealers Association of BC (NCDA) has been privileged to deliver the CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program since 2011 – in partnership with the Province of British Columbia, and BC Hydro as a new funding provider in 2023.

The Program was conceived as a means of encouraging and accelerating the adoption of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) in British Columbia, for both their environmental and economic benefits, and it has delivered. In 2023, ZEV sales represented 23% of all light duty vehicle sales, continuing BC’s leadership in Canada, and putting the province in a positive position as we all strive to meet government’s mandated ZEV sales targets in the coming years.

The NCDA on behalf of its member dealers, has consistently advocated for funding that supports purchase rebates to increase the adoption of ZEVs, along with investments in public charging infrastructure and educational efforts by all stakeholders.

The NCDA takes its role in transitioning British Columbians to clean energy vehicles very seriously. We continue to encourage competition amongst BC new car dealerships who record the highest sales across all brands and regions of the province, by recognizing them annually through the prestigious Green Star Dealer Awards. Congratulations to all Green Star winners to date.

It is important to note, the CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program is subject to change by government and BC Hydro at any time, and it is traditionally available until funds are depleted, with only NCDA Members in good standing able to access the Rebate Program. I strongly encourage you to visit the Program’s website In particular, read through new Program changes that are effective June 18, 2024, and familiarize yourself with new Program parameters, as many vehicles may no longer qualify.

Thank you to our dealer members for your participation over these many years and for making this program such a success.

We look forward to assisting you in support of your customers under the new program parameters.

Yours truly,

Blair Qualey
President and CEO
New Car Dealers Association of BC

About the program

The CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program is administered by the NCDA and was first announced on November 5, 2011. The program is intended to support the adoption of ZEVs in BC via providing point of purchase rebates for private and fleet ZEV purchases.

On March 23, 2015, from the floor of the 95th Vancouver International Auto Show, the Province made the announcement that they were renewing the CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program—formerly known as CEVforBC™.

The Provincial Government continued its commitment to the CleanBC Go Electric suite of programs and has continued to make considerable funding available to ensure ZEVs are more affordable and accessible to drivers. The government’s investments to date include:

  • More than $40 million in February 2017
  • $10 million in September 2018
  • $20 million in January 2019
  • $42 million and $20 million in the 2019 and 2020 BC Budgets, respectively
  • $94 million in the 2021 BC Budget
  • $67 million in the 2022 BC Budget
  • In 2023, BC Hydro became the funding source

This funding supports financial rebates to customers who buy ZEVs, along with investments in charging and hydrogen fueling stations, education and outreach, fleet support, training, and funding to support zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles.

Thanks to the provincial investments in infrastructure, BC has one of the largest charging networks and the first cluster of public hydrogen fueling stations in Canada.

Over the course of the Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate program, it has supported the addition of more than 90,000 ZEVs in BC.

More than 1 in 12 of all new light-duty vehicles Canadians bought in the first quarter of 2022 was a Zero Emissions Vehicle. The Canada-wide ZEV market share increased to 8.3% in Q1 2022 — up from 5.0% in Q1 2021. In terms of full-year sales, Canadians have bought more electric vehicles in the last two years than in the previous eight combined.

In 2022, there are 68 different ZEVs available to Canadians (according to ‘The Road to 2035’), and that number is increasing rapidly.

British Columbia is leading the way in the adoption of electric vehicles, with ZEVs accounting for 17.1% of all new light-vehicle sales in the province in Q1 2022, the highest level of any province or territory.

The CleanBC Go Electric Passenger Vehicle Rebate Program encourages the adoption of new ZEVs. Qualified British Columbia residents (individuals) who purchase or lease qualifying new vehicles, are eligible for up to $4,000 off the final, after-tax vehicle price for qualifying new battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, longer range (over 85 kilometres of electric range) plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, and up to $2,000 for a shorter range plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.

Businesses, non-profit organizations and local government organizations who purchase or lease qualifying new vehicles, are eligible for $3,000 off the final, after-tax vehicle price for qualifying new battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, longer range (over 85 kilometres of electric range) plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, and $1,500 for a shorter range plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.

Program Framework

The Program consists of the following components:

  • Vehicle point-of-purchase rebates
  • Charging infrastructure rebates / investments (Level 2 and DC Fast Charging)
  • Hydrogen fueling station investment (1 new public fueling station)
  • Fleet rebates for adopting ZEVs, and;
  • Research, training, and public outreach

The Program will run until funds are exhausted.

The purchaser or lessee of the vehicles must be an individual (who applied with the Ministry and was deemed eligible), business, non-profit, or public entity (including municipal and regional governments and first nations, but excluding provincial, crown, and federal government agencies) that is a BC resident or the business, non-profit or public entity is based in British Columbia or has a BC-based affiliate.

Program Management

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation is responsible for overall CleanBC Go Electric Program management, including ensuring the Program and delivery partners meet expectations.

In order to meet Program targets, the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation can modify any component of the Program which can include, but is not limited to, the addition of new vehicle types, vehicle investment levels, and any program aspect that BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation wishes to change or amend.

Vehicle Rebate

The program enables the purchaser or lessee of an eligible vehicle to receive a point-of-purchase vehicle rebate. The rebate amounts will be reviewed regularly to determine if they are appropriate for the marketplace. EMLI will adjust the rebate amounts as necessary based on market performance. The rebate is applied to the purchase or lease price of a vehicle after all applicable costs and taxes have been applied.

This rebate is not part of the price negotiation process, the dealership will be required to mark down the final vehicle price by the amount of the rebate that has been approved for each zero-emission vehicle. The dealership will then submit applications to NCDA for reimbursement for the total amount of rebates provided to eligible purchasers/lessees.

Effective June 18, 2024:

  • Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and Station Wagons were moved from the Larger Vehicles category to the Cars category, and
  • the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) cap of the Cars category was reduced to $50,000.

See table below for more information on Cars and Larger Vehicles:

Vehicle ClassDescription
Sport utility vehicle
Station wagon
Larger Vehicles*Pickup truck
Small pickup truck
Special purpose

*Larger vehicles include the vehicle types listed above, including vehicles classified as Class 2a vehicles (up to 8,500 pounds).